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Gordon Bell finalists II - A 55 TFLOPS simulation of amyloid-forming peptides from yeast prion Sup35 with the special-purpose computer system MDGRAPE-3.

, , , , , , , , , , and . SC, page 49. ACM Press, (2006)

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On the Power of Nonlinear Mappings in Switching Map Systems., , and . UMC, page 234-247. Springer, (2000)GRAPE-4: A Special-Purpose Computer for Gravitational N-Body Problems., , , and . PPSC, page 343-348. SIAM, (1995)Imitation and Cooperation in Coupled Dynamical Recognizers., and . ECAL, volume 1674 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 545-554. Springer, (1999)HARP-1: A Special-Purpose Computer for itN-body Simulation with the Hermite Integrator., , and . HICSS (1), page 292-301. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)MDGRAPE-3: A Petaflops Special-Purpose Computer System for Molecular Dynamics Simulations., , , and . PARCO, volume 13 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 669-676. Elsevier, (2003)42 TFlops hierarchical N-body simulations on GPUs with applications in both astrophysics and turbulence., , , , , and . SC, ACM, (2009)Gordon Bell finalists II - A 55 TFLOPS simulation of amyloid-forming peptides from yeast prion Sup35 with the special-purpose computer system MDGRAPE-3., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). SC, page 49. ACM Press, (2006)MDGRAPE-4: a special-purpose computer system for molecular dynamics simulations, , , , and . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, (2014)Hardware acceleration of tensor-structured multilevel ewald summation method on MDGRAPE-4A, a special-purpose computer system for molecular dynamics simulations., , , , , , , , and . SC, page 43. ACM, (2021)Implementing a Comprehensive Networks-on-Chip Generator with Optimal Configurations., , and . CLUSTER, page 420-421. IEEE, (2020)