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Deep Learning Design for Technology Enhanced Learning

, and . International Conference on Educational Media (Ed-Media) 2010, Toronto, June 29-July 2, (2010)

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Design principles for authoring dynamic, reusable learning objects. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 19 (1): 46-58 (2003)Towards a pedagogically sound basis for learning object portability and re-use, and . Meeting at the crossroads : proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE), (2001)Hypermedia Environments for Learning to Program., and . MHVR, volume 1077 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 216-229. Springer, (1994)Requirements elicitation for virtual actors in collaborative learning environments., , and . Comput. Educ., 34 (3-4): 225-239 (2000)Deep Learning Design for Technology Enhanced Learning, and . International Conference on Educational Media (Ed-Media) 2010, Toronto, June 29-July 2, (2010)Layered learning design: Towards an integration of learning design and learning object perspectives.. Computers & Education, 54 (3): 661-668 (2010)A constructivist learning environment implemented in Java., , and . ITiCSE, page 94-97. ACM, (1998)Hypermedia environments for learning to program, and . Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality Models, Systems, and Applications, page 216--229. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (1996)Design principles for authoring dynamic, reusable learning objects.. ASCILITE, page 57-64. UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, (2002)