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An Intelligent Watermark Detection Decoder Based on Independent Component Analysis., , , , , and . IWDW, volume 2939 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 223-234. Springer, (2003)Decentralized Optimal Control in Multi-lane Merging for Connected and Automated Vehicles., , and . ITSC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)ReGRL: An Informative Graph Representation via Hierarchical Recursive Learning for Legal Case Recommendation., , , and . IJCNN, page 1-7. IEEE, (2023)Decentralized Merging Control in Traffic Networks with Noisy Vehicle Dynamics: a Joint Optimal Control and Barrier Function Approach., , and . ITSC, page 3162-3167. IEEE, (2019)Implementing and Evaluating Security Controls for an Object-Based Storage System., , , , , , , and . MSST, page 87-99. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Impact of GPS Time Spoofing Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems., and . ICIT, page 1155-1160. IEEE, (2019)Joint Estimation of Channel Parameters in Massive MIMO Systems via PARAFAC Analysis., , , , and . ICNC, page 496-502. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Virtual desgin and test of manual gear shifting bench., and . EMEIT, page 3812-3815. IEEE, (2011)Feasibility Guaranteed Traffic Merging Control Using Control Barrier Functions., , and . ACC, page 2309-2314. IEEE, (2022)Internet Streaming Audio Based Speech Reception Threshold Measurement in Cochlear Implant Users., , , , , , , , , and . ICASSP, page 9012-9016. IEEE, (2022)