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Representing Multi-agent Planning in CLP., , and . LPNMR, volume 5753 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 423-429. Springer, (2009)Parallel Answer Set Programming., , and . Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning, Springer, (2018)Multi-Variable Agents Decomposition for DCOPs to Exploit Multi-Level Parallelism., , and . AAMAS, page 1823-1824. ACM, (2015)Large Neighborhood Search with Quality Guarantees for Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems., , , , and . AAMAS, page 1835-1836. ACM, (2015)The development of a tool to enhance communications between blind and sighted mathematicians, students and teachers: a global translation appliance., , , , and . HCI, page 929-933. Lawrence Erlbaum, (2001)UMA: a system for universal mathematics accessibility., , , , , , , , , and . ASSETS, page 55-62. ACM, (2004)Efficient Backtracking in And-Parallel Implementations of Non-deterministic Languages., and . ICPP, page 338-345. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)GK-12 DISSECT: Incorporating computational thinking with K-12 science without computer access., , , , and . FIE, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Shared Paged Binding Array: A Universal Datastructure for Parallel Logic Programming., , and . ICLP, page 824. MIT Press, (1995)Automatic Compile-time Parallelization of Prolog Programs for Dependent And-Parallelism., , , and . ICLP, page 108-122. MIT Press, (1997)