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Smart Surface: RFID-Based Gesture Recognition Using k-Means Algorithm., , , и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 111-118. IEEE, (2016)Design of an Energy-Efficient Self-Heterogeneous Aerial-Ground Vehicle., , и . ICARA, стр. 213-218. IEEE, (2023)STORE VIEW: pervasive RFID & indoor navigation based retail inventory management., , , , , , и . UbiComp (Adjunct Publication), стр. 1037-1042. ACM, (2013)A smartphone application for voice browsing RFID smart shelves., , и . MUM, стр. 331-336. ACM, (2015)Mobile augmented reality for browsing physical spaces., , , и . UbiComp Adjunct, стр. 155-158. ACM, (2014)Measuring user-object interactions in IoT spaces., , , , и . RFID-TA, стр. 52-58. IEEE, (2015)Simulation of RFID Systems in ROS-Gazebo., , и . RFID-TA, стр. 113-116. IEEE, (2022)Bringing online shopping experience to offline retail through augmented reality and RFID., , и . IOT, стр. 45-51. IEEE, (2015)Evaluation and deployment of an industrial spring-based RFID reader antenna., , и . IEEE RFID, стр. 63-66. IEEE, (2016)Using Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to improve accessibility of people with motor disabilities in the context of Smart Cities., , , и . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., (2017)