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Seeing the Past, Planning the Future: Proudly Celebrating 25 Years of Assisting the Convergence of Process Sciences and Design Science., , , , , , and . J. Integr. Des. Process. Sci., 26 (3-4): 197-221 (2022)An open modelling approach for availability and reliability of systems., , , , , and . Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., (2019)Automatic requirements extraction, analysis, and graph representation using an approach derived from computational linguistics., , , , , and . Syst. Eng., 21 (6): 555-575 (2018)Online Thermal Field Prediction for Metal Additive Manufacturing of Thin Walls., , , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Dimensional Analysis Conceptual Modeling Supporting Adaptable Reasoning in simulation-based training., and . SoSE, page 245-252. IEEE, (2018)Toward safe AI., , and . AI Soc., 38 (2): 685-696 (April 2023)Model-based approach for change propagation analysis in requirements., , , and . SysCon, page 497-503. IEEE, (2013)Product Upgradability: Towards a Medical Analogy., , , and . APMS (3), volume 440 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 148-155. Springer, (2014)Self-supervised representation learning anomaly detection methodology based on boosting algorithms enhanced by data augmentation using StyleGAN for manufacturing imbalanced data., , , , , , and . Comput. Ind., (December 2023)Footsteps Towards a Transdisciplinary Design and Process Science., , , , , , , , and . J. Integr. Des. Process. Sci., 25 (3-4): 1-16 (2021)