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BioMen: an information system to herbarium., , , и . Expert Syst. Appl., 28 (3): 507-518 (2005)A Comparative Study of Evolutionary Algorithms for Training Elman Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Autonomous Indebtedness., , , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 461-464. (2004)Knowledge Mobilization through Re-addressable Ontologies., , и . EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 154-158. Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, (2005)A Multi-Agent System with a Cooperative Strategy to Study Biodiversity and Orientation in Re-Collect Countryside., , , и . ICWI, стр. 123-128. IADIS, (2003)An Adaptable Time-Delay Neural Network to Predict the Spanish Economic Indebtedness., , , , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 457-460. (2004)G.R.E.E.N. - An Expert System to Identify Gymnosperms., , , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 216-221. (2004)An Information System to Perform Services Remotely from a Web Browser., , , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 91-99. (2005)New open source modules in KEEL to analyze and export fuzzy association rules., , и . FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 225-232. IEEE, (2016)Alviu: An Intent-Based SD-WAN Orchestrator of Network Slices for Enterprise Networks., , и . NetSoft, стр. 211-215. IEEE, (2021)Experimenting with SRv6: a Tunneling Protocol supporting Network Slicing in 5G and beyond., , , , , и . CAMAD, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)