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OTFS and Delay Doppler Communications., и . APCC, стр. xxv. IEEE, (2023)Medakafish embryonic stem cells as a model for genetic improvement of aquaculture livestocks, , , и . стр. 129-134. Plenum Press, New York, (1998)Derivation of stable zebrafish ES-like cells in feeder-free culture, , и . Cell Tissue Res, 357 (3): 623-32 (2014)Establishment and growth responses of early medakafish (Oryzias latipes) embryonic cells in feeder layer-free cultures, и . Mol. Mar. Biol. Biotechnol., (1996)The Zebrafish and Medaka models, и . 2, стр. 637-664. World Scientific Publishing Company, (2004)The sulfur vapor pressure over pyrite on the surface of Venus, и . Planetary and Space Science, 46 (6-7): 683--+ (1998)Formation of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) from carbon monoxide and sulfur vapor and applications to Venus, и . Icarus, 130 (2): 495--504 (1997)Experimental studies of magnetite formation in the solar nebula, и . METEORITICS & PLANETARY Science, 33 (5): 1101--1112 (1998)AIM 2024 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution Quality Assessment: Methods and Results., , , , , , , , , и 17 other автор(ы). CoRR, (2024)The kinetics and mechanism of pyrite thermal decomposition, и . BERICHTE DER BUNSEN-GESELLSCHAFT-PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Chemical PHYSICS, 101 (12): 1870--1881 (1997)