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Markov Capacity of Continuous Phase Modulations., , , and . ISIT, page 161-165. IEEE, (2007)Nonbinary spatially-coupled LDPC codes on the binary erasure channel., , and . ICC, page 3270-3274. IEEE, (2013)Architectures, standardisation, and procedures for 5G Satellite Communications: A survey., , , , , , , , and . Comput. Networks, (2020)Spectral efficiency of linear and continuous phase modulations over nonlinear satellite channels., , and . ICC, page 3175-3179. IEEE, (2012)Frequency Packing and Multiuser Detection for CPMs: How to Improve the Spectral Efficiency of DVB-RCS2 Systems., , and . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 2 (1): 74-77 (2013)MDS-coded distributed storage for low delay wireless content delivery., and . ISTC, page 320-324. IEEE, (2016)On the Use of Multiple Satellites to Improve the Spectral Efficiency of Broadcast Transmissions., , , and . CoRR, (2015)A novel graph-based soft interference cancellation algorithm for FDM-CPM satellite systems., and . ISIT, page 2271-2275. IEEE, (2009)SISO Detection Over Linear Channels With Linear Complexity in the Number of Interferers., , and . J. Sel. Topics Signal Processing, 5 (8): 1475-1485 (2011)Spiral Constellations for Nonlinear Channels., , , , and . IEEE Commun. Lett., 28 (9): 2016-2020 (September 2024)