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Position: BPMN Is Incompatible with ACM.. Business Process Management Workshops, том 132 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 55-58. Springer, (2012)ACM 2013 PC Co-Chairs Message., , и . OTM Workshops, том 8186 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 101. Springer, (2013)BPAF: A Standard for the Interchange of Process Analytics Data., и . Business Process Management Workshops, том 66 из Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, стр. 170-181. Springer, (2010)There Is Nothing Routine about Innovation.. EDOC Workshops, стр. 97. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)978-1-4799-5470-4.Message from Adaptive CM 2014 Workshop Chairs: Achieving the Right Balance of Effectiveness and Efficiency., , и . EDOC Workshops, стр. 95-96. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)978-1-4799-5470-4.Taming the unpredictable Real World Adaptive Case Management. Future Strategies, London, (2011)Demo: Cognoscenti Open Source Software for Experimentation on Adaptive Case Management Approaches.. EDOC Workshops, стр. 402-405. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)978-1-4799-5470-4.Demonstration of Emergent Synthetic Processes.. EDOC Workshops, стр. 224-227. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Developing web services choreography standards - the case of REST vs. SOAP., , и . Decision Support Systems, 40 (1): 9-29 (2005)Visual support for reengineering work processes.. COOCS, стр. 130-141. ACM, (1993)