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Healthy discussion of planetary Science goals, , , , , , , , , and 15 other author(s). Science, 295 (5560): 1644--1644 (2002)Infrared imaging spectroscopy of Mars: H2O mapping and determination of CO2 isotopic ratios, , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). ICARUS, 179 (1): 43--54 (December 2005)Monodeuterated methane in the outer solar system. III - Its abundance of Titan, , , and . \apj, (June 1988)THE ABUNDANCE OF SULFUR-DIOXIDE BELOW THE CLOUDS OF VENUS, , , , , , , and . Geophysical Research Letters, 20 (15): 1587--1590 (1993)The COmet Nucleus TOUR (CONTOUR)A NASA discovery mission, , , , , , , , , and 10 other author(s). EARTH MOON AND PLANETS, 89 (1-4): 289--300 (2002)VOYAGER-2 AT NEPTUNEIMAGING Science RESULTS, , , , , , , , , and 55 other author(s). Science, 246 (4936): 1422--1449 (1989)Martian volatiles: Isotopic composition, origin, and evolution, , , , and . Space Science Reviews, 96 (1-4): 425--458 (April 2001)Element abundances and isotope ratios in the giant planets and Titan, and . Space Science Reviews, (2003)Monodeuterated methane in the outer solar system. II - Its detection on Uranus at 1.6 microns, , , , and . \apj, (December 1986)Monodeuterated methane in the outer solar system. IV - Its detection and abundance on Neptune, , , and . \apj, (June 1990)