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Telekooperation an der Technischen Universität München - Bericht aus einem Projektvorhaben an der Fakultät für Informatik, , , и . Proc. Workshop CSCW in großen Unternehmungen, стр. 12-18. (1996)Customer Support for the Web-based Configuration of Individualized Products, , , и . International Journal of Mass Customisation (IJMASSC), 1 (2-3): 195-217 (2006)Community Services: Healthcare, , , и . Josef EUL Verlag, Lohmar-Köln, (2005)Ubiquitous Computing, и . CSCW-Kompendium, Springer, Berlin, (2001)Awareness - The Common Link Between Groupware and Community Support System, , и . Community Computing and Support Systems, Springer, Berlin, (июня 1998)Community Services: Lifestyle, , , и . Eul Verlag, Lohmar, (2005)From Tele-Work to Tele-Communities: The Past, Present and Future of Telecooperation, , , и . Proc. Conf. on Smart Systems and Devices, стр. 27-33. (марта 2001)Groupware, и . Strategic Production Networks, Springer, Berlin, (2002)Community Computing and Support Systems, , и . Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, (Mai 1998)Informationsmanagement und Communities, , , , и . Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, 16 (2): 103-109 (июля 2001)