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Gradient-based sparse approximation for computed tomography., , и . ISBI, стр. 1608-1611. IEEE, (2015)3D Saliency from Eye Tracking with Tomography., , и . ETVIS, стр. 185-198. Springer, (2015)Linear and Cubic Box Splines for the Body Centered Cubic Lattice., , и . IEEE Visualization, стр. 11-18. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)On visual quality of optimal 3D sampling and reconstruction., , , , , , и . Graphics Interface, том 234 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 265-272. ACM Press, (2007)A Geometric Construction of Multivariate Sinc Functions., и . IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 21 (6): 2969-2979 (2012)Sparse partial derivatives and reconstruction from partial Fourier data., и . ICASSP, стр. 3621-3625. IEEE, (2015)Design of bivariate sinc wavelets., и . ICIP, стр. 2477-2480. IEEE, (2012)Voronoi splines., и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 58 (9): 4572-4582 (2010)Tomographic reconstruction of diffusion propagators from DW-MRI using optimal sampling lattices., , и . ISBI, стр. 788-791. IEEE, (2010)A Granular Three Dimensional Multiresolution Transform., , , и . EuroVis, стр. 267-274. Eurographics Association, (2006)