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"I Will Follow You!" - How Recommendation Modality Impacts Processing Fluency and Purchase Intention., , , , и . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2022)That's so Embarrassing! When not to Design for Social Presence in Human-Chatbot Interactions., , и . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2021)Value Creation in Gamified Chatbot Interactions and Its Impact on Brand Engagement., , , и . CONVERSATIONS, том 13815 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 50-65. Springer, (2022)AI and the Vulnerable., , и . PACIS, стр. 167. (2022)Robust data envelopment analysis with variable budgeted uncertainty., , , , и . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 315 (2): 626-641 (2024)Marketing performance, , и . Gabler, Wiesbaden, 1. Aufl. издание, (2006)Gamified services: How gameful experiences drive customer commitment., , и . GamiFIN, том 2186 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 75-82., (2018)The Chatbot Disclosure Dilemma: Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Disclosing the Non-Human Identity of Chatbots., , и . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2020)Resolving the Chatbot Disclosure Dilemma: Leveraging Selective Self-Presentation to Mitigate the Negative Effect of Chatbot Disclosure., , и . HICSS, стр. 1-8. ScholarSpace, (2021)Come Closer, but Not Too Close: How Virtual Influencers Can Facilitate or Restrict Brand Experiences in the Metaverse., , , и . HICSS, стр. 2797-2806. ScholarSpace, (2024)