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Community Building and Virtual Teamwork in an Online Learning Environment., , и . HICSS, стр. 6. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)The development of deep learning during a synchronous collaborative on-line course., , , и . CSCL, стр. 151-159. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2002)Collaboration and Teamwork: Immersion and Presence in an Online Learning Environment., , и . Inf. Syst. Frontiers, 7 (1): 27-37 (2005)Make it so! Jean-Luc Picard, Bart Simpson and the design of e-public services., , , , и . PDC, стр. 67-76. ACM, (2006)Women in Rural Bangladesh: Empowered by Access to Mobile Phones., и . ICEGOV, стр. 75-84. ACM, (2016)Electronic Public Service Delivery through Online Kiosks: The User's Perspective., , и . EGOV, том 2456 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 169-172. Springer, (2002)Organizational culture and stakeholder power: a case study of postgraduate initiatives in e-government., и . ICEGOV, том 351 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 331-336. ACM, (2008)Information kiosks: a taxonomy., и . J. Documentation, 63 (6): 879-897 (2007)Assessment and Learning Outcomes: The Evaluation of Deep Learning in an On-line Course., , , и . J. Inf. Technol. Educ., (2003)Consumer behaviour in multi-channel contexts: the case of a theatre festival., , и . Internet Res., 18 (1): 46-59 (2008)