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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Document organization using Kohonen's algorithm, , und . Information Processing & Management, (2002)Genetic algorithms in relevance feedback: a second test and new contributions, , und . Information Processing & Management, 39 (5): 669--687 (September 2003)Exploring the impact of scholarly journals in social sciences and humanities upon patentable technology., , , und . ISSI, Seite 744-755. ISSI Society, (2019)A quick MST-based algorithm to obtain Pathfinder networks (∞,n-1)., , , , und . J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 59 (12): 1912-1924 (2008)Binary Pathfinder: An improvement to the Pathfinder algorithm., , , , und . Inf. Process. Manag., 42 (6): 1484-1490 (2006)Genetic algorithms in relevance feedback: a second test and new contributions., , und . Inf. Process. Manag., 39 (5): 669-687 (2003)The role of guarantor in scientific collaboration: The neighbourhood matters., , und . J. Informetrics, 11 (1): 103-116 (2017)Comparative Analysis of the Bibliographic Data Sources Dimensions and Scopus: An Approach at the Country and Institutional Levels., , , und . Frontiers Res. Metrics Anal., (2020)Visualization of scientific co-authorship in Spanish universities: From regionalization to internationalization., , , , und . Aslib Proc., 61 (1): 83-100 (2009)The SJR indicator: A new indicator of journals' scientific prestige, , und . CoRR, (2009)