Author of the publication

Design and Development of an Emoji Sentiment Lexicon.

. ISI, page 432-438. Werner Hülsbusch, (2021)

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Design and Development of an Emoji Sentiment Lexicon.. ISI, page 432-438. Werner Hülsbusch, (2021)The Media Bias Taxonomy: A Systematic Literature Review on the Forms and Automated Detection of Media Bias, , , , , , and . (2024)Dynamics in Search Engine Query Suggestions for European Politicians, , , and . WEBSCI '24: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference, page 279–289. ACM, (2024)Investigation of Bias in Web Search Queries.. ECIR (3), volume 13982 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 443-449. Springer, (2023)Text Simplification of Scientific Texts for Non-Expert Readers., , , , and . CLEF (Working Notes), volume 3497 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 2987-2998., (2023)Perception-Aware Bias Detection for Query Suggestions., and . BIAS, volume 1418 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 130-142. Springer, (2021)The Media Bias Taxonomy: A Systematic Literature Review on the Forms and Automated Detection of Media Bias, , , , , , and . (2023)IRCologne at GermEval 2021: Toxicity Classification., and . GermEval@KONVENS, page 47-53. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Emojis in Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis: Creating Emoji Sentiment Lexicons from Unlabeled Corpora.. LWDA, volume 2993 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 279-286., (2021)Investigating Bias in Political Search Query Suggestions by Relative Comparison with LLMs., , , and . WebSci (Companion), page 5-7. ACM, (2024)