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Motion compensation for cone-beam CT based on 4D motion field of sinogram tracked markers.

, , , , , and . CARS, volume 1268 of International Congress Series, page 189-194. Elsevier, (2004)

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Motion compensation for cone-beam CT based on 4D motion field of sinogram tracked markers., , , , , and . CARS, volume 1268 of International Congress Series, page 189-194. Elsevier, (2004)Discriminative Generalized Hough transform for localization of joints in the lower extremities., , , , , , and . Comput. Sci. Res. Dev., 26 (1-2): 97-105 (2011)Discriminative generalized Hough transform for object localization in medical images., , , and . Int. J. Comput. Assist. Radiol. Surg., 8 (4): 593-606 (2013)Simulation of SAR Induced Heating in Infants undergoing 1.5 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging., , , , , and . EMBC, page 3382-3386. IEEE, (2021)Identification of a Signal for an Optimal Heart Beat Detection in Multimodal Physiological Datasets., , and . CinC, page 273-276., (2014)Blood Flow Estimation by Means of Intraoperative Rotational Angiographic System., , , and . CURAC, volume 1475 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 67-70. Der Andere Verlag, Düsseldorf, (2010)Liver segmentation using Turbolift learning for CT and cone-beam C-arm perfusion imaging., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Comput. Biol. Medicine, (March 2023)Estimating blood flow velocity in angiographic image data., , , , and . Image-Guided Procedures, volume 7964 of SPIE Proceedings, page 79640Y. SPIE, (2011)Design and Simulation Analysis of a 17 Element Spiral Antenna Array for Brain Imaging., , , and . EMBC, page 3333-3336. IEEE, (2019)High Precision UWB-Based 3D Localization for Medical Environment., , and . ICUWB, page 1-5. IEEE, (2015)