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Development of an Autonomous, Explainable, Robust Robotic System for Electric Vehicle Battery Disassembly.

, , , , , und . AIM, Seite 409-414. IEEE, (2023)

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Different ICT Competency but Similar Pattern between Students with/without Learning Disabilities? - Results from Structural Equation Modeling Testing., , , , , und . ICCHP (2), Volume 8548 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 528-531. Springer, (2014)Embedded Home Gateway Systems in WAP Phone Control., , , und . CAINE, Seite 328. ISCA, (2003)Joint Cluster Routing and Sleep-Awake Scheduling for Energy-Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , , und . iThings/GreenCom/CPSCom, Seite 526-531. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)尋易(Csmart-Ⅱ):智慧型網路中文資訊檢索系統 (An Intelligent Chinese Information Retrieval System for the Internet) In Chinese., , , , , , , , und . ROCLING, Seite 121-136. The Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), (1996)Microstructural and thermal characterizations of light-emitting diode employing a low-temperature die-bonding material., , , , , , und . Microelectron. Reliab., (2016)An efficient fuzzy classifier with feature selection based on fuzzy entropy., , , und . IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B, 31 (3): 426-432 (2001)Mining Key Formative Assessment Rules based on Learner Profiles for Web-based Learning Systems., , und . ICALT, Seite 584-588. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Personalized Context-Aware Ubiquitous Learning System for Supporting Effectively English Vocabulary Learning., , und . ICALT, Seite 628-630. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Improved min-cost flow scheduler for mesh-based P2P streaming system., , , , und . ICME, Seite 1122-1125. IEEE, (2009)Personalized Intelligent English Vocabulary Learning System Based on Item Response Theory and Learning Memory Cycle., , und . SMC, Seite 3828-3833. IEEE, (2006)