Author of the publication

A Trust Management Model for P2P File Sharing System.

, , , and . MUE, page 41-44. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)

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Shape Retrieval Using Statistical Chord-Length Features., and . PSIVT, volume 4319 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 403-410. Springer, (2006)Target detection in maritime search and rescue using SVD and frequency domain characteristics., , and . ICMLC, page 556-560. IEEE, (2011)eSeagull: Design of Mobile P2P File Sharing System at Sea., , , , and . AINA Workshops, page 954-959. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Salient target detection method under sea surface environment based on multi-scale phase spectrum., , and . ICNC, page 977-981. IEEE, (2011)An Architecture for Mobile P2P File Sharing in Marine Domain., , , , and . PerCom, page 458-462. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)A novel stochastic search method for polygonal approximation problem., , , and . Neurocomputing, 71 (16-18): 3216-3223 (2008)A Novel Fourier Descriptor for Shape Retrieval., and . FSKD, volume 4223 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 822-825. Springer, (2006)Target recognition for marine search and rescue radar., , and . ICNC, page 676-679. IEEE, (2010)A PSO-Based Method for Min-epsilon Approximation of Closed Contour Curves., , and . ISNN (1), volume 5263 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 893-902. Springer, (2008)A Trust Management Model for P2P File Sharing System., , , and . MUE, page 41-44. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)