Author of the publication

A Three-Dimensional Animation System for Protein Folding Simulation.

, , , and . HICSS (5), page 173-182. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)

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Development of a deformation-driven rolling robot with a soft outer shell., and . AIM, page 1651-1656. IEEE, (2017)Protein Sequence Analysis by Parallel Inference Machine., , , , , and . FGCS, page 294-299. IOS Press, (1992)State Estimation of Non-Holonomic Mobile Robots Using., and . ICRA, page 1379-1384. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Modeling and control of spherical ultrasonic motor based on nonholonomic mechanics., and . IROS, page 125-130. IEEE, (2008)New hashing techniques and their application to a protein structure database system., , and . HICSS (5), page 197-206. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)A robust audio-visual speech recognition using audio-visual voice activity detection., , , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 2694-2697. ISCA, (2010)Human-Error Prevention for Autonomous Edge Software Using Minimalistic Modern C++., and . Big Data Cogn. Comput., 3 (4): 52 (2019)Finite-time control of cross-chained nonholomic systems by switched state feedback., and . CDC, page 304-309. IEEE, (2008)Nilpotent normal form for non-chained driftless systems: Characterization of the cross-chained form., and . CDC, page 4390-4395. IEEE, (2009)Privacy Protection in Location Based Service by Secure Computation., and . ACIIDS (2), volume 12034 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 493-504. Springer, (2020)