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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

The Number of Labeled 2-Connected Planar Graphs., , und . Electron. J. Comb., (2002)Partitions of multisets.. Discret. Math., 9 (4): 301-311 (1974)Foundations of applied combinatorics., und . Addison-Wesley, (1991)An Approximate Probabilistic Model for Structured Gaussian Elimination., und . J. Algorithms, 31 (2): 271-290 (1999)The Asymptotic Number of Labeled Connected Graphs with a Given Number of Vertices and Edges., , und . Random Struct. Algorithms, 1 (2): 127-170 (1990)On the applications of Mobius inversion in combinatorial analysis, und . American Mathematical Monthly, (1975)Submap Density and Asymmetry Results for Two Parameter Map Families., , , und . Comb. Probab. Comput., 6 (1): 17-25 (1997)The Number of Degree-Restricted Rooted Maps on the Sphere., und . SIAM J. Discret. Math., 7 (1): 9-15 (1994)Enumeration of Degree Restricted Rooted Maps on the Sphere., und . Planar Graphs, Volume 9 von DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Seite 13-16. DIMACS/AMS, (1991)A Theoretical Analysis of Backtracking in the Graph Coloring Problem., und . J. Algorithms, 6 (2): 275-282 (1985)