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Indexing recent trajectories of moving objects., , , и . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, стр. 393-396. ACM, (2014)A framework for designing a market-oriented curriculum for the degree of information system engineering., , , , , , и . EDUCON, стр. 695-700. IEEE, (2014)Building socially-enabled event-enriched maps., , , , и . GeoInformatica, 24 (2): 371-409 (2020)Scale Driven Convolutional Neural Network Model for People Counting and Localization in Crowd Scenes., , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Disk-Based Indexing of Recent Trajectories., , , , и . ACM Trans. Spatial Algorithms Syst., 4 (3): 7:1-7:27 (2018)Adaptive processing of spatial-keyword data over a distributed streaming cluster., , , , , , и . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, стр. 219-228. ACM, (2018)A distributed cloud architecture for mobile multimedia services., , и . IEEE Netw., 27 (5): 20-27 (2013)Estimation Vehicular Waiting Time at Traffic Build-Up Queues., , , , , и . Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, (2013)Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Scope of Multi-scale Social Events., , , и . LENS@SIGSPATIAL, стр. 1:1-1:7. ACM, (2017)TraceAll: A Real-Time Processing for Contact Tracing Using Indoor Trajectories., , , и . Inf., 12 (5): 202 (2021)