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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Cost analysis of coherent-based TRx PON network., und . ECOC, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2015)Hands-on Demonstration of Open-Source Filterless-Aware Offline Planning and Analysis Tool for WDM Networks., , , , , , und . OFC, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2020)Control and management requirements for a coherent ultra-dense WDM PON for lambda to the user access networks., , , , , , , und . ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2014)The Impact of the Optical Network on 5G - The Metro-Haul Project., , , und . ONDM, Volume 11616 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 62-69. Springer, (2019)Future Metro bottle-neck - how will optical networks cost-effectively deliver anticipated 5G services?, , und . ECOC, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2020)A Low-Cost Network Architecture Enabled by SOA-Based Filter-less OADMs and Digital Subcarrier Multiplexing., , , , , , , , und . OFC, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2024)Field-trial of a λ-to-the-user high-budget PON using a novel class of low-cost coherent transceivers and compatible with EPON system operation., , , , , , , , , und 8 andere Autor(en). ICTON, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2017)Topology-Driven Edge Predictions with Graph Machine Learning for Optical Network Growth., , , , , und . OFC, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2024)Novel Low Cost PON Protection Via Harvested Power., und . OFC, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2020)Next-generation PON-part I: Technology roadmap and general requirements., , , , , , und . IEEE Commun. Mag., 47 (11): 43-49 (2009)