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Special Issue: Frontiers of Organization Science, Part 2 of 2: Identities, Genres, and Organizational Forms., and . Organ. Sci., 16 (5): 474-490 (2005)Cascading Organizational Change., , and . Organ. Sci., 14 (5): 463-482 (2003)Oppositional Identities and Resource Partitioning: Distillery Ownership in Scotch Whisky, 1826-2009., and . Organ. Sci., 25 (4): 1272-1286 (2014)The population ecology of organizations, and . American J. of Sociology, 82 (5): 929--964 (March 1977)Structural Inertia and Organizational Change, and . American Sociological Review, 49 (2): 149--164 (April 1984)Organizational ecology, and . Harvard University Press, Cambridge, (1989)Dynamics of Organizational Populations: Density, Legitimation, and Competition, and . Oxford University Press, (January 1992)Uncovering the semantics of concepts using GPT-4, , , and . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (49): e2309350120 (December 2023)Publisher: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.