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Swarm intelligence: the state of the art special issue of natural computing.

, , and . Nat. Comput., 9 (3): 655-657 (2010)

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Genetic Programming, and . Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques, chapter 5, Springer, (2005)Reusing Code in Genetic Programming, , and . Genetic Programming 7th European Conference, EuroGP 2004, Proceedings, volume 3003 of LNCS, page 359--368. Coimbra, Portugal, Springer-Verlag, (5-7 April 2004)A schema theory analysis of mutation size biases in genetic programming with linear representations, , and . CSRP-00-24. University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, (November 2000)A schema theory analysis of the evolution of size in genetic programming with linear representations, and . CSRP-00-22. University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, (November 2000)A field guide to genetic programming, , and . Published via and freely available at, (2008)(With contributions by J. R. Koza).Foundations of Genetic Programming, and . Springer-Verlag, (2002)Sub-machine-code Genetic Programming, and . CSRP-98-18. University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, (August 1998)Schema Theory without Expectations for GP and GAs with One-Point Crossover in the presence of Schema Creation. Foundations of Genetic Programming, page 61--63. Orlando, Florida, USA, (13 July 1999)Short Term Extinction Probability of Newly Created Schemata, and Schema Variance and Signal-to-Noise-Ratio Theorems in the Presence of Schema Creation, , and . CSRP-98-6. University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, (January 1998)Parallel Distributed Genetic Programming. Technical Report, CSRP-96-15. School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK, (September 1996)