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Good Continuation of General 2D Visual Features: Dual Harmonic Models and Computational Inference.

, and . ICCV, page 1643-1650. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)

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Qualitative shape from active shading., and . CVPR, page 713-715. IEEE, (1992)Toward Consistent Descriptions in Vision Systems.. IJCAI, page 709. William Kaufmann, (1977)Shadows, Defocus and Reliable Estimation., and . CAIP, volume 970 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 318-325. Springer, (1995)Coherent Compound Motion: Corners and Nonrigid Configurations., , and . Neural Comput., 2 (1): 44-57 (1990)On Optimal Control Methods in Computer Vision and Image Processing., , and . Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision, volume 1 of Computational Imaging and Vision, Springer, (1994)Feedforward Learning of Mixture Models., and . NIPS, page 2564-2572. (2014)Ligature Instabilities in the Perceptual Organization of Shape., , and . CVPR, page 2042-2048. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)What is a light source?, and . CVPR, page 172-178. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Hue fields and Color Curvatures: A Perceptual Organization Approach to Color Image Denoising., and . CVPR (2), page 713-720. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Finding Folds: On the Appearance and Identification of Occlusion., , , and . CVPR (2), page 718-725. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)