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Dimension walks on hyperspheres., , and . Comput. Appl. Math., (July 2022)Unifying compactly supported and Matérn covariance functions in spatial statistics., , and . J. Multivar. Anal., (2022)Equivalence and orthogonality of Gaussian measures on spheres., , , and . J. Multivar. Anal., (2018)Sobolev Spaces, Kernels and Discrepancies over Hyperspheres., , , and . Trans. Mach. Learn. Res., (2023)From Schoenberg to Pick-Nevanlinna: towards a complete picture of the variogram class, and . Bernoulli, 17 (1): 441--455 (2011)The Dagum and auxiliary covariance families: towards reconciling two-parameter models that separate fractal dimension and Hurst Effect, , and . Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 26 (2): 259--268 (April 2011)Geostatistical Analysis Through Spectral Techniques: Some Words of Caution., , and . Commun. Stat. Simul. Comput., 36 (5): 1035-1051 (2007)Modelling residuals dependence in dynamic life tables: A geostatistical approach., , , , and . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52 (6): 3128-3147 (2008)Strictly positive definite multivariate covariance functions on spheres., , and . J. Multivar. Anal., (2018)The dimple problem related to space-time modeling under the Lagrangian framework., and . J. Multivar. Anal., (2017)