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Pre-training Agents for Design Optimization and Control. University of California, Berkeley, USA, (2022)Skill Preferences: Learning to Extract and Execute Robotic Skills from Human Feedback., , , , and . CoRL, volume 164 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 1259-1268. PMLR, (2021)BagNet: Berkeley Analog Generator with Layout Optimizer Boosted with Deep Neural Networks., , , and . ICCAD, page 1-8. ACM, (2019)GACEM: Generalized Autoregressive Cross Entropy Method for Multi-Modal Black Box Constraint Satisfaction., , , and . CoRR, (2020)Hierarchical Few-Shot Imitation with Skill Transition Models., , , , and . ICLR,, (2022)AutoCkt: Deep Reinforcement Learning of Analog Circuit Designs., , , , and . DATE, page 490-495. IEEE, (2020)JUMBO: Scalable Multi-task Bayesian Optimization using Offline Data., , , and . CoRR, (2021)Analog Circuit Generator based on Deep Neural Network enhanced Combinatorial Optimization., , , and . DAC, page 228. ACM, (2019)Hands-on Reinforcement Learning for Recommender Systems - From Bandits to SlateQ to Offline RL with Ray RLlib., and . RecSys, page 700-701. ACM, (2022)Semi-Supervised One Shot Imitation Learning., , , , , and . RLJ, (2024)