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Ownership structure and voting on antitakeover amendments, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, (1988)The choice of organizational form The case of franchising, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 18 (2): 401--420 (июня 1987)Incentive effects of stock purchase plans, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 14 (2): 195--215 (июня 1985)Business ethics and organizational architecture, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 26 (9): 1821--1835 (сентября 2002)Shareholder wealth, information signaling and the specially designated dividend : An empirical study. Journal of Financial Economics, 12 (2): 187--209 (августа 1983)Boundaries of the firm: evidence from the banking industry, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 70 (3): 351--383 (декабря 2003)Access to deposit insurance, insolvency rules and the stock returns of financial institutions, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 16 (3): 345--371 (июля 1986)Managerial economics and organizational architecture, , и . McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass u.a., 3. ed издание, (2004)The costs of inefficient bargaining and financial distress : Evidence from corporate lawsuits, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 35 (2): 221--247 (апреля 1994)Outside directors and the adoption of poison pills, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 35 (3): 371--390 (июня 1994)