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A descriptive model of contextual activities for the design of domestic situations., , , and . ECCE, page 13. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland / ACM, (2009)Etude empirique de l'interaction multimodale en mobilité: approche méthodologique et premiers résultats., , , and . IHM, volume 264 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 283-286. ACM, (2005)Combining interviews and scales in the multidimensional evaluation of user experience: a case study in 3D games., , and . ECCE, page 157-160. Universitätsdruckerei Rostock, Germany / ACM, (2011)De la qualité de la coopération à l'identification d'indicateurs de pilotage., , and . IC, page 119-124. (2014)Introduction.. Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., 16 (4-5): 411-414 (2002)Participatory Design Meets Mixed Reality Design Models., , , and . CADUI, page 71-84. Springer, (2006)A Contextual Approach to Home Energy Management Systems Automation in Daily Practices., , , , and . ECCE, page 23:1-23:4. ACM, (2015)START GUIDE : A Generator for Tutorials., , , , and . RIAO, page 259-274. CID, (1988)Experimental studies of a graphical authentication system based on semantic categorisation., , , , , and . IHM, page 134-143. ACM, (2016)Co-conception d'expériences interactives augmentées dédiées aux situations muséales., , and . IHM, volume 133 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 11-18. ACM, (2006)