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Correction to "Forward-link capacity of a DS/CDMA system with mixed multirate sources"., and . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 51 (6): 1672 (2002)Implementation and performance analysis of programmable test beds for real-time wireless W-CDMA., , , , and . ISCAS (4), page 386-389. IEEE, (1999)Performance of OFDM/CDMA system with turbo coding in a multipath fading channel.. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 45 (2): 372-379 (1999)Analysis of the Packet Loss Probability in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks., , , and . CoRR, (2016)Rainfall-Runoff simulation using geostationary satellite rain rate in a small mountainous watershed., , , , and . IGARSS, page 5725-5728. IEEE, (2017)Object-based local dimming for LCD systems with LED BLUs., and . ISLPED, page 315-320. IEEE/ACM, (2011)Channel parameter extraction methodology for system-level simulator in small cell environments., , , , and . IWSDA, page 99-102. IEEE, (2013)Detection of Basal Cell Carcinoma by Automatic Classification of Confocal Raman Spectra., , , , , and . ICIC (3), volume 4115 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 402-411. Springer, (2006)Image clustering using improved spatial fuzzy C-means., , , , and . ICUIMC, page 86:1-86:7. ACM, (2012)Evolutionary Optimization of Hyperparameters in Deep Learning Models., and . CEC, page 831-837. IEEE, (2019)