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Testing for multiple change points., and . Comput. Stat., 28 (5): 2161-2183 (2013)Tests for continuity of regression functions, , and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (3): 753--777 (Mar 1, 2007)Recursive robust regression computational aspects and comparison, and . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 19 (2): 115--128 (February 1995)Environment for statistical computing.. Comput. Sci. Rev., 2 (2): 113-122 (2008)Revisiting the pseudorandom number generator ran1 from the NUMERICAL RECIPES, , and . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 27 (4): 487--495 (Jun 5, 1998)Change-point problem and bootstrap, , and . Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 5 (2): 123--144 (1995)Computational aspects of adaptive combination of least squares and least absolute deviations estimators, , and . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 12 (1): 87--99 (August 1991)Bayesian-type estimators of change points, and . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 91 (2): 195--208 (Dec 1, 2000)A note on variability of interval data., , and . Comput. Stat., 25 (1): 143-153 (2010)