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Introduction: recent Developments in Parallel and Distributed Data Mining, и . Distributed and Parallel Databases, (2002)This is an introduction to four articles about Knowledge Discovery in Databases, KDD. It makes the statement that the key challenge in data mining is the extraction of knowledge and insight from massive databases. Data mining has the two primary goals of prediction and verification. Prediction is about predicting the unknown values of attributes of interest based on a trained model. The data mining process is being divided into data selection, data cleansing, data transformation, data reduction, data mining, algorithm selection, post processing, and interpolation..Fast nearest Neighbor Algorithms on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System., , и . Parallel Algorithms Appl., 13 (1): 1-25 (1998)Cysteine separations profiles on protein secondary structure infer disulfide connectivity., , , , и . GrC, стр. 663-665. IEEE, (2006)A Study of Average-Case Speedup and Scalability of Parallel Computations on Static Networks., , , и . PDPTA, стр. 1362-. CSREA Press, (1997)Path selection with class distribution information in the integrated network., , , и . IEEE Communications Letters, 6 (2): 88-90 (2002)An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Multiprocessor Task Scheduling with Non-Negligible Inter-processor Communication Delay., , , , и . MAICS, стр. 165-172. Omnipress, (2003)Characterizations of Communication Overhead for Scalable Random Parallel Algorithms on Multicomputer Systems., и . PDPTA, стр. 474-485. CSREA Press, (1996)Teaching Parallel Programming Using Both High-Level and Low-Level Languages.. International Conference on Computational Science (3), том 2331 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 888-897. Springer, (2002)Computing on the Restricted LARPBS Model.. ISPA, том 2745 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 9-13. Springer, (2003)MLCS: Face-to-face mobile-LCD communication system based on visible light communication., , и . WCNC, стр. 3224-3229. IEEE, (2014)