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A new R-G-B based Meteosat Image Animation Technique for Broadcasting

, and . page 577--584. (1994)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1994,.

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Art meets Science - Computer Animation of remote sensing data for communicating information on the environmental complexity of the polar regions, , , and . IGARSS 99, Hamburg, Germany, 28.6. - 2.7.1999, (1999)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1999,.Das Anwendungspotential von NOAA-AVHRR-Satellitenbilddaten am Beispiel der Bestimmung der Meeresoberflächentemperatur und des Vegetationsindexes, , , and . Geographie und Schule, (1996)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=2000,.A new R-G-B based Meteosat Image Animation Technique for Broadcasting, and . page 577--584. (1994)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1994,.Generation of NOAA AVHRR and ERS-2 GOME value-added products - A contribution to the utilization of satellite remote sensing, , and . Proceedings of the 7th Annual International TeraScan User?s Conference, page 8--8. (1997)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1999,.Operational Generation of a AAVHRR-based Level-3 Products at the German Remote Sensing Data Center: Status and Perspectives, , and . 1997 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS '97, page 1505-1508. (1997)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1997,.Processing, Archiving and Distribution of Satellite Derived Value Products at the German Remote Sensing Data Center, and . Distributed Satellite Data Centers and Assiciated Networks; Institute of Industrial Science, Universität of Tokyo, page 203--212. (1996)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1996,.Generation of Multichannel Sea Surface Temperature Data for Computeranimated Visualization of Dynamic Phenomena, and . page 91--99. (1996)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1996,.Advanced interpolation techniques for the computer animation of Satellite derived time series data., , and . Visual Reality, page 127--139. (1998)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1999,.Suivi Des Structures Dynamiques De Mésoéchelle Dans Le Bassin Algérien Pendant L'Opération Elisa (1997-1998) Par L'Imagerie Satellitaire Thermique NOAA/AVHRR: Les Obstacles Potentiels à une Reconnaissance Automatique, , , , , , , , and . Séminaire-Atelier PNOC Séries à long terme, (1998)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=1999,.Tracking dynamic mesoscale structures in the Algerian Basin during operation ELISA (1997-1998) by satellite thermal imagery (NOAA/AVHRR): Potential obstacles to automatic recognition, , , , , , , , and . Océanis, 24 (3): 153--174 (1998)LIDO-Berichtsjahr=2001,.