Author of the publication

Beyond the Flipped Classroom: Learning by Doing Through Challenges and Hack-a-thons.

, and . SIGCSE, page 212-217. ACM, (2015)

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From Preference Elicitation to Participatory ML: A Critical Survey & Guidelines for Future Research., , , and . AIES, page 38-48. ACM, (2023)Ad Empathy: A Design Fiction., and . GROUP, page 267-273. ACM, (2018)Ethics Education in Context: A Case Study of Novel Ethics Activities for the CS Classroom., , , , and . SIGCSE, page 940-945. ACM, (2018)CHI4EVIL: Creative Speculation on the Negative Impacts of HCI Research., , , , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM, (2019)Beyond the Flipped Classroom: Learning by Doing Through Challenges and Hack-a-thons., and . SIGCSE, page 212-217. ACM, (2015)Tech Help Desk: Support for Local Entrepreneurs Addressing the Long Tail of Computing Challenges., , , , , and . CHI, page 15:1-15:15. ACM, (2022)Quantified Self: An Interdisciplinary Immersive Theater Project Supporting a Collaborative Learning Environment for CS Ethics., , and . SIGCSE, page 946-951. ACM, (2018)Designing a Moral Compass for the Future of Computer Vision Using Speculative Analysis., and . CVPR Workshops, page 1368-1377. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Deconstructing the Veneer of Simplicity: Co-Designing Introductory Generative AI Workshops with Local Entrepreneurs., , , , and . CHI, page 1014:1-1014:16. ACM, (2024)What's at Stake: Characterizing Risk Perceptions of Emerging Technologies., , and . CHI, page 70. ACM, (2018)