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On Ibragimov-Iosifescu conjecture for phi-mixing sequences

. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 35 (2): 293--308 (August 1990)

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On Ibragimov-Iosifescu conjecture for phi-mixing sequences. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 35 (2): 293--308 (August 1990)Another approach to Brownian motion, and . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 116 (2): 279--292 (February 2006)Invariance principles under a two-part mixing assumption, and . Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 22 (2): 271--289 (July 1986)The central limit theorem for Tukey's 3R smoother, and . Statistics & Probability Letters, 13 (1): 29--37 (Jan 2, 1992)A note on the almost sure central limit theorem for weakly dependent random variables, and . Statistics & Probability Letters, 22 (2): 131--136 (February 1995)On the central limit theorem for weakly dependent sequences with a decomposed strong mixing coefficient. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 42 (2): 181--193 (September 1992)