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Exploration of an incremental suite of microscopic models for acoustic event monitoring using a robotic sensor network.

, , and . ICRA, page 3290-3295. IEEE, (2008)

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Inspiring and Modeling Multi-Robot Search with Particle Swarm Optimization., and . SIS, page 332-339. IEEE, (2007)Parallel learning in heterogeneous multi-robot swarms., and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 3839-3846. IEEE, (2007)Graph-based distributed control for non-holonomic vehicles engaged in a reconfiguration task using local positioning information., , , and . ROBOCOMM, page 1-6. ICST/IEEE, (2009)Distributed Adaptation in Multi-robot Search Using Particle Swarm Optimization., and . SAB, volume 5040 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 393-402. Springer, (2008)The Cost of Reality: Effects of Real-World Factors on Multi-Robot Search., and . ICRA, page 397-404. IEEE, (2007)Multi-robot learning with particle swarm optimization., and . AAMAS, page 441-448. ACM, (2006)Applying Aspects of Multi-robot Search to Particle Swarm Optimization., , and . ANTS Workshop, volume 4150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 506-507. Springer, (2006)Relative Localization and Communication Module for Small-scale Multi-robot Systems., and . ICRA, page 188-193. IEEE, (2006)A Distributed Scalable Approach to Formation Control in Multi-robot Systems., , , and . DARS, page 203-214. Springer, (2008)Synthesis, modeling, and experimental validation of distributed robotic search.. EPFL, Switzerland, (2008)