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Super-resolution texturing for online virtual globes.

, , and . CVPR Workshops, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)

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Super-resolution texturing for online virtual globes., , and . CVPR Workshops, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Motion signal processing., and . SIGGRAPH, page 97-104. ACM, (1995)What characterizes a shadow boundary under the sun and sky?, , , and . ICCV, page 898-905. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Self-Replicating System of Ribosome and Replisome Factories.. ALIFE, page 616-623. MIT Press, (2016)Performance-driven facial animation.. SIGGRAPH Courses, page 16. ACM, (2006)Human face project., , , and . SIGGRAPH Courses, page 5. ACM, (2005)3D paint.. I3D, page 225-233. ACM, (1990)Animating images with drawings., and . SIGGRAPH, page 409-412. ACM, (1994)View interpolation for image synthesis., and . SIGGRAPH, page 279-288. ACM, (1993)Self-Replicating Distributed Virtual Machines.. ALIFE, page 711-718. MIT Press, (2014)