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Addressing complexity, coordination, and automation in software development with the KBSA/ADM.. KBSE, page 73-83. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Utilizing Scenarios in the Software Development Process, , , and . Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Information System Development Process, (1993)Developing Formal Specifications from Informal Requirements., , and . IEEE Expert, 8 (4): 82-90 (1993)"The Organization" (or Software Reuse in a Business Environment).. ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 21 (1): 35-39 (1996)An Empirical Evaluation of KBSA Technology., and . KBSE, page 71-78. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Knowledge-Based Software Assistant - Advanced Development Model Demonstrations.. KBSE, page 3. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)The ARIES Simulation Component (ASC).. KBSE, page 40-49. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Knowledge Based Assistant. Knowledge Based System, 1 (4): 221--225 (September 1988)