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Parallel Delaunay Refinement with Off-Centers., , and . Euro-Par, volume 3149 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 812-819. Springer, (2004)Parallel Delaunay Refinement: Algorithms And Analyses., , and . IMR, page 205-217. (2002)Relaxed Scheduling in Dynamic Skin Triangulation, and . CoRR, (2003)A Fast 2-Approximation Algorithm for Guarding Orthogonal Terrains., and . CCCG, page 161-167. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, (2016)Approximate Matching of Curves to Point Sets., and . CCCG, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, (2014)Biting Ellipses to Generate Anisotropic Mesh., , and . IMR, page 97-108. (1999)Tiling 3d euclidean space with acute tetrahedra.. CCCG, page 169-172. (2001)Simultaneous Refinement and Coarsening: Adaptive Meshing with Moving Boundaries., , and . IMR, page 201-210. (1998)Relaxed Scheduling in Dynamic Skin Triangulation., and . JCDCG, volume 2866 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 135-151. Springer, (2002)Tiling space and slabs with acute tetrahedra, , and . CoRR, (2003)