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Linguistic symbiosis between event loop actors and threads, , и . Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, (июня 2008)Actors for Pervasive Computing, , и . Workshop on Reference Architectures and Patterns for Pervasive Computing, Anaheim, CA USA, OOPSLA 2003, (2003)Workshop preview of the 2015 workshop on reactive and event-based languages & systems (REBLS 2015)., , , и . SPLASH (Companion Volume), стр. 109-110. ACM, (2015)Ambient-oriented programming., , , , и . OOPSLA Companion, стр. 31-40. ACM, (2005)Transactional actors: communication in transactions., , и . SEPS@SPLASH, стр. 31-41. ACM, (2017)Reactive Programming on the Bare Metal: A Formal Model for a Low-Level Reactive Virtual Machine., , и . REBLS@SPLASH, стр. 50-62. ACM, (2022)Towards a Domain-Specific Language for Automated Network Management., , и . BENEVOL, том 2047 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 39-43., (2017)Parallel gesture recognition with soft real-time guarantees., , , и . AGERE!@SPLASH, стр. 35-46. ACM, (2012)Context-Aware Tuples for the Ambient., , , и . OTM Conferences (2), том 6427 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 745-763. Springer, (2010)Towards a domain-specific aspect language for leasing in mobile ad hoc networks., , , и . DSAL@AOSD, стр. 6:1-6:5. ACM, (2008)