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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Planar polynomials for commutative semifields with specified nuclei., , und . Des. Codes Cryptogr., 44 (1-3): 275-286 (2007)Constructing APN functions through isotopic shifts., , , , und . IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, (2018)On the number of distinct values of a class of functions over a finite field., und . Finite Fields Their Appl., 17 (3): 220-224 (2011)On Isotopic Shift Construction for Planar Functions., , , , und . ISIT, Seite 2962-2966. IEEE, (2019)Algorithms for computing the permutation resemblance of functions over finite groups., und . CoRR, (2023)Preface to the Special Issue of Discrete Mathematics: Dedicated to the Algebraic and Extremal Graph Theory Conference, August 7-10, 2017, University of Delaware, Newark, USA., , , und . Discret. Math., 342 (10): 2759 (2019)Planar functions and related topics in finite fields / by R.S Coulter. University of Queensland, Australia, (1998)Subsets of finite groups exhibiting additive regularity., und . Discret. Math., 313 (3): 236-248 (2013)Modelling Trust Structures for Public Key Infrastructures., , , und . ACISP, Volume 2384 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 56-70. Springer, (2002)Permutation resemblance., und . CoRR, (2023)