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Conditioned and Manipulable Matrix For Visual Exploration., and . DG.O, Digital Government Research Center, (2002)The geospatial revolution project.. COM.Geo, page 60:1. ACM, (2011)Effectiveness of scalable vector graphics (SVG) for client-side vector mapping., and . COM.Geo, page 42. ACM, (2012)Methods for ad-hoc delineation and analysis of categories of spatio-temporal events., , , and . COM.Geo, page 51:1. ACM, (2011)Quality Graphics in Web-Based Applications for Summarizing Government Agency Data., , and . DG.O, Digital Government Research Center, (2003)Geovisualization for Knowledge Construction and Decision Support., , , , , , and . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24 (1): 13-17 (2004)Construction and first analysis of a corpus for the evaluation and training of microblog/twitter geoparsers., , , , , and . GIR, page 4:1-4:8. ACM, (2014)Predicting migration system dynamics with conditional and posterior probabilities., , and . ICSDM, page 192-197. IEEE, (2011)CR-Site: An infrastructure siting tool for crisis response., and . ISCRAM, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, (2012)Exploring High-D Spaces with Multiform Matrices and Small Multiples., , , , and . INFOVIS, page 31-38. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)