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The Econometric Society Annual Reports Report of the Editors 2002-2003, , , , und . Econometrica, 72 (1): 336--338 (01.01.2004)doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00490.x.The possibility of recipient-harming, donor-benefiting transfers with more than two countries, und . Journal of International Economics, 16 (3-4): 357--364 (Mai 1984)Social Norms, Savings Behavior, and Growth, , und . Journal of Political Economy, 100 (6): 1092 (01.01.1992)doi: 10.1086/261855.The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Height, , und . Journal of Political Economy, 112 (5): 1019--1053 (275 10 2004)doi: 10.1086/422566.Relative income concerns and the rise in married women's employment, und . Journal of Public Economics, 70 (1): 157--183 (01.10.1998)SOCIAL ASSETS*, und . International Economic Review, 47 (4): 1057--1091 (305 11 2006)doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2354.2006.00406.x.Memorable consumption., , und . J. Econ. Theory, (2016)Relative income concerns and the rise in married women's employment, und . NBER working paper series Nat. Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1995)Informational Size and Incentive Compatibility, und . Econometrica, 70 (6): 2421--2453 (305 11 2002)doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00380.Class systems and the enforcement of social norms, , und . Journal of Public Economics, 70 (1): 5--35 (01.10.1998)