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An interface agent for non-visual, accessible web automation.. UIST (Adjunct Volume), page 55-58. ACM, (2012)SRASS - A Semantic Relevance Axiom Selection System., and . CADE, volume 4603 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 295-310. Springer, (2007)Hearsay: a new generation context-driven multi-modal assistive web browser., , , , , , , and . WWW, page 1233-1236. ACM, (2010)Guidelines for an accessible web automation interface., , , , and . ASSETS, page 249-250. ACM, (2011)Feel the Web: Towards the Design of Haptic Screen Interfaces for Accessible Web Browsing., , , , and . ASSETS, page 391-392. ACM, (2015)Wizard-of-Oz evaluation of speech-driven web browsing interface for people with vision impairments., , , , and . W4A, page 12:1-12:9. ACM, (2014)Why read if you can skim: towards enabling faster screen reading., , , and . W4A, page 39. ACM, (2012)Tactile Accessibility: Does Anyone Need a Haptic Glove?, , , , , and . ASSETS, page 101-109. ACM, (2016)Capti-speak: a speech-enabled web screen reader., , , and . W4A, page 22:1-22:10. ACM, (2015)Universal and ubiquitous web access with Capti., , , , , , , and . W4A, page 27. ACM, (2012)