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Ensemble MultiBoost Based on RIPPER Classifier for Prediction of Imbalanced Software Defect Data., , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Microwave-Sensing Technology Using Orbital Angular Momentum: Overview of Its Advantages., , , и . IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag., 14 (2): 112-118 (2019)Application of Fuzzy Neural Network Predictor to Mosaic Image Coding., , и . ICNC (5), стр. 442-446. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Radar Target Detection With Multi-Task Learning in Heterogeneous Environment., , , и . IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., (2022)Radar imaging using electromagnetic wave carrying orbital angular momentum., , , , и . J. Electronic Imaging, 26 (2): 23016 (2017)Analysis of the EPSRC Principles of Robotics in regard to key research topics., , , и . Connect. Sci., 29 (3): 249-253 (2017)A Redundancy Software Design for Joint Radio Resource Management System in a Satellite-Terrestrial Based Aeronautical Communication Network., , и . PSATS, том 52 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 35-43. Springer, (2012)Navigation of mobile robots in an intelligent environment with wireless visual sensors., , , , , , и . ICNSC, стр. 307-312. IEEE, (2010)Distributed Multi-Sensor Information Acquisition for Target Localization with Range and Doppler Measurements., , , и . ICCAIS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2019)A Novel Offline Demosaicing Method for Wireless Endoscope., и . BMEI (1), стр. 835-839. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)