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Sudden Onset of Pitting Corrosion on Stainless Steel as a Critical Phenomenon, , , , , , , and . Science, (August 2004)Kinematical theory of spiral waves in excitable media: comparison with numerical simulations, and . Physica D, (1991)Design and statistical properties of robust functional networks: a model study of biological signal transduction, , , and . Phys. Rev. E, (2007)Nonequilibrium Structures in Condensed Systems, and . Science, 272 (5268): 1596--1597 (1996)Controlling spatiotemporal chaos in oscillatory reaction-diffusion systems by time-delay autosynchronization, and . Physica~D, (2004)Pattern selection in oscillatory media with global coupling, , , , and . Europhys.~Lett., (1998)Foundations of Synergetics Vol. II, and . Springer, Berlin, 2 edition, (1996)Controlling turbulence in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation II. Two-dimensional systems, , and . Physica~D, (1997)Surface Adsorbates with Attractive Lateral Interactions. Mean Field Theory and Mesoscopic Modelling, and . Self-Organisation in Activator-Inhibitor-Systems: Semiconductors, Gas-Discharge and Chemical Active Media, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin, (1996)Bistability onset in fluctuating media, , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 164 (3): 691--704 (Apr 15, 1990)