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Differentiated surveillance for sensor networks., , и . SenSys, стр. 51-62. ACM, (2003)Robust node localization for wireless sensor networks., , и . EmNets, стр. 48-52. ACM, (2007)Self-Organizing wireless sensor networks in action.. KDD, стр. 1. ACM, (2006)Thunder: towards practical, zero cost acoustic localization for outdoor wireless sensor networks., , , и . ACM SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev., 11 (1): 15-28 (2007)Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare., , , , , и . Proc. IEEE, 98 (11): 1947-1960 (2010)AIDA: Adaptive application-independent data aggregation in wireless sensor networks., , , и . ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 3 (2): 426-457 (2004)Emotion Recognition Robust to Indoor Environmental Distortions and Non-targeted Emotions Using Out-of-distribution Detection., , , , , и . ACM Trans. Comput. Heal., 3 (2): 15:1-15:22 (2022)Taxi-Passenger-Demand Modeling Based on Big Data from a Roving Sensor Network., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Big Data, 3 (3): 362-374 (2017)RESONATE: reverberation environment simulation for improved classification of speech models., , , , и . IPSN, стр. 107-118. IEEE/ACM, (2014)Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time Optimistic Concurrency Control Schemes., , , и . VLDB, стр. 35-46. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)