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Panel: software reuse - is it working?. TRI-Ada, стр. 291-300. ACM, (1989)Finite Unions for Ada 95., и . Ada-Europe, том 1251 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-12. Springer, (1997)Issues in Designing Object Management Systems., и . SEE, том 467 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 203-209. Springer, (1989)The Dagstuhl Middle Metamodel: A Schema For Reverse Engineering, , и . (2004)An Overview of DOD-STD-1838A (proposed), The Common APSE Interface Set, Revision A., , , и . Software Development Environments (SDE), стр. 235-247. ACM, (1988)Pragmatic Techniques for Program Analysis and Verification.. ICSE, стр. 63-72. IEEE Computer Society, (1979)The Data Model of the Configuration Management Assistant (CMA)., и . SCM, стр. 5-14. ACM Press, (1989)Object Management Issues for Software Engineering Environments: Workshop Report., , и . Software Development Environments (SDE), стр. 226-234. ACM, (1988)Bauhaus - A Tool Suite for Program Analysis and Reverse Engineering., , и . Ada-Europe, том 4006 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 71-82. Springer, (2006)Panel: the making of ISO/IEC 8652: Ada 2005.. SIGAda, стр. 129-130. ACM, (2001)